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Become A Weight Loss Academy Member

Online Weight Loss Support Groups

We host weekly weight loss support group sessions. Your membership will allow you to attend one session per month. 


Monthly Weight Loss Workshops

Each month we host a weight loss workshop, covering a variety of topics and areas to help you on your weight loss journey and keep the weight off. Your membership will allow you access to these monthly workshops.


Access To Our Members-Only Forum

Our forum is our community. It’s a place for our members to ask questions to our weight loss coaches and share their progress and experiences with other members. Your membership will allow you access to our private weight loss forum.


Access To Our Members-Only Content  

As a member, you will receive access to a range of members-only content that will help you live a healthy life and achieve your weight loss goal. You will be able to download six healthy recipe books, weight loss roadmap worksheets, and cheat sheets too. 

Become A Member

Weight Loss Academy Membership



Every month

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

Online weight loss support groups

Monthly weight loss workshops

Access to our members-only forum

Access to our members-only content

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